2019 Q3 Progress Report

It’s October 1st. The leaves are browning, it’s getting chilly, it’s time to hang the Halloween decorations. It’s also the end of the third quarter, so let’s see where I’m at with my various goals.

Read 20 books in 2019: I’m a little over halfway through Cold Choices, the 2nd book in Larry Bond’s Jerry Mitchell series, and still working on Max Tegmark’s Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. I’m working both sides of my brain with the fiction/non-fiction. But those are in progress, and I have only 8 books actually completed this calendar year. With only 25% of the year remaining, I still have 60% of that work to do. Outlook isn’t so good. I’ll shoot for a passing grade on this one.

Write 50 posts in 2019: I started strong on this one, but this post marks my 18th for the year, so I’m only 36% complete on this goal. With the craziness of the holidays approaching, this is also unlikely to approach 100% complete. If we get to 30 posts, I’ll call that passing.

Catch up on the Writing Schedule for Togahan #4: Good news/bad news on this one. Good: I completed the rough draft earlier this summer, and have already edited it through Chapter 6 (of 36). Bad: According to the mega-schedule, I’ve slipped 300+ days, so we’re looking at a 2021 release assuming there’s no more slip. But there’s more good news! I over-budgeted time for this pass of editing, and it’s going faster than I’d assumed, so that 300+ day delay should narrow some. I’m finding small time blocks where I can focus on editing, and it’s moving.

So that’s the status of things. I’ve got three more months to get traction on these and make up some progress. I’ll let you know how it goes. How’s your year going?


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