52 in ’15 and Current Status

Wow. It looks like my last post was May 22, 2014. I need to keep you apprised more often than that, faithful readers. So, my new year’s resolution is to post at least once a week for at least fifty-two posts in the coming year. I know, there are a lot more prolific bloggers out there, but honestly, writing a blog is secondary to writing the books. On a given day, I need to work on the Togahan’s story.

The good news is that I’m starting out 2015 in good shape. I’ve got the rough draft 95% done for novel #3, and should have that wrapped up in the next week. Then I move on to editing, tightening up the language, combing for consistency and double-checking terms and spellings. Once that’s clean (or cleaner), it’ll go out to my beta readers. I’ll incorporate their feedback into edit #2 and more trimming, and next it’s off to my copy editor for the final layer of polish. Then, format for .mobi and .epub, some last minute paperwork and we’re looking at a mid-2016 release.

Please hang in there, faithful readers. Watch this space for convention attendance, notes on the process, possibly some Q&A if I happen to get some Q, and some other miscellaneous notes.

Happy New Year!

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