Happy Holidays!

Holy shit, I looked this up on Wikipedia, and there are a ton of holidays in the month of December.

All around the world, people are gathering for one reason or another, celebrating occasions, exchanging gifts or just enjoying one another’s company. And that’s awesome. In the Northern hemisphere at least, looking forward to a celebration this time of year is a great way to get our minds off the shitty weather and short-ass days, and maybe remind us of the decent folks in our lives.

And if you’re in the habit of exchanging gifts and have just collided with that Krusty the Clown “aww crap!” forehead slap where you forgot someone on your gift list, remember e-books for a quick and steady save. Seriously, you can gift someone an e-book while

  • Riding the subway
  • Waiting for an Uber/Lyft/cab
  • Pretending to work
  • Waiting for your coffee
  • Using the restroom
  • “Watching” your children
  • Waiting for your turn on that contraption
  • Taking a break from writing erotic fan fiction
  • Multiples of the above
  • etc.

And, ahem, of course I would be remiss if I didn’t plug my own work, the Togahan series: all three books still available for a back-breakingly low $3.99 USD while 2016 lasts. Check out http://petehollmer.com/books/ for links to your preferred vendors and platforms.

And a side plug, if you use Wikipedia as often I do and can spare a few bucks, consider throwing some their way to keep that show running. We all need accurate information to get our shit done.

Be good, and may 2017 treat you fairly.


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