
As I’m reviewing my beta reader feedback on AT4, some of the notes echo complaints readers have had with my past published novels. To break up sections within a chapter, I normally use an extra carriage return. It keeps the formatting simple, and most of the time when your eye jumps to the new section, you know the scene has changed. I also try to name the new point of view character in the first sentence as an extra cue.

If it were a printed novel, this break would be fixed and wherever it coincided with a page break, some typography magic could add an extra carriage return or editing magic would restructure the writing a little so that the break fell within the page and not at the beginning or end.

The problem with e-books is that there’s no way to predict this. Since every reader can set their own font type, font size, and/or orientation, there’s no way to tell when a scene break will overlap a page break and cause confusion. And despite my efforts and cues, I have caused confusion (and I apologize for that).

More than a couple folks have suggested putting in an asterisk or some other typographic symbol as a fixed cue that the scene is changing, and I think I’ll do this for AT4. I did some research, and learned a few things.

Any type of typography to denote a section break is called a dinkus (or lesser used dingus, although that can also mean a fool or a penis (because…why not)).

Three asterisks in a triangle is called an asterism. Other dinkuses can include three asterisks in a straight line, or three periods in a line (but not so close like an ellipsis), or a thing called a fleuron, which to me looks like a chili pepper.

I think I’ll use something, but the question is …what? Three asterisks centered in a line is pretty easy to format for .epub and .mobi, as is three periods (of the two, I favor the asterisks). An asterism, fleuron, or other widget will probably require a .gif, which looks weird if the reader switches from a white background to a black or beige one. I could do a custom .gif, like a pair of crossed pistols or something similar, but then I run into the same background contrast issue. I’d like to avoid a .gif if I can, but I need to think on this one.

What do you think? As readers, authors, and editors, what do you prefer to see?

Thanks, -Pete

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July 2020 Progress Report

I know, I know, I’m a few months behind in these monthly reports, but Q2 was a bus fire under the Prudential*, so let’s all cut one another some slack, all right? This is the 28th week for the year, or we’re roughly 54% of the way through the year. Here’s where I’m at for my 2020 goals.

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As I write this, we’re about eleven weeks into lockdown–nearly three months. At this point, I think we’ve all slipped into new routines. I don’t know about you, but the days and weeks seem to be moving faster now. Mentally, I’m prepared for this to last “a while”.

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April 2020 Progress Report

Holy crap, what a month it’s been. Technically six weeks, since I’m posting this 2/3 of the way through April, and five weeks into pandemic isolation. This is definitely an event we’ll talk about for generations, and a hundred years from now they’ll point at this period the same way we talk about the Spanish Flu. In an attempt at some semblance of normalcy, here are this month’s excuses progress on goals.

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March 2020 Progress Report

Another month gone, it’s time to check in with my goals and where things are at, for those who are keeping score at home. At this point we’re about 9 weeks into the new year (9/52 or 17% of the way through the year).

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February 2020 Progress Report

Well, we’re about six weeks into the new year (or 6/52, 11.5% of the way through the year), and I figured one of the ways to keep up with my goals was to report on them more often. Let’s see where I’m at with all of these.

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Where I’ll be at Boskone 57

Hey everyone! I’m excited to be participating in this year’s Boskone conference in downtown Boston from February 14-16. I’ve got a reading scheduled, and I’m moderating my first panel. If you’re in town, and love geeking out over speculative fiction, come out and say hi! There’s a lot of great content on this year’s program. Here’s where I’ll definitely be:

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The Name of the Rose

When I was in eighth grade, I saw a movie trailer for The Name of the Rose (based on the book by Umberto Eco). Filled with images of monks and castles, my D&D addled brain thought it looked kinda cool, so I went to my school library and spent some time looking through the card catalog (this was the mid-eighties). When I came up dry, I went to the librarian and asked if he knew where I could get a copy.

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Walking – 2020

Interestingly, the one 2020 goal that’s generated the most discussion has been my walking goal (walk five miles a day). One week in, let’s see how it’s going.

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2019 Year End Progress Report

Happy New Year! 2020 promises to be a year of change, inspiration, and I don’t know—other stuff. I’d like to start with a review of the 2019’s goals and progress and spin off new goals for the coming year. I had a few extra vacation days this holiday break, so I used those to catch up on my writing schedule for book number four. I’m happy with the progress, such as it is. But, first things first, let’s see where I’m at.

Read 20 books in 2019: According to goodreads.com, I completed 15 books in 2019, for a solid grade of 75, or a C. Passing, but I should be able to do better. Goodreads says that’s below my average over the last five years:

On the whole, I have been disorganized this year, finding less time for reading. I think I’ve been hitting social media more instead of reading on my phone, so I need to tamp that down if I want to do better on this goal in 2020.

Goal for 2020: Read 20 books.

Write 50 posts in 2019: I posted in fits and starts, but according to my website, I wrote exactly 18 posts, adding nothing since my Q3 post, which put me at 18 posts for the year. So…18/50 = 36% for the year, which is a solid F in the US education system, but in the UK it might squeak by as passing. (Or maybe not—I think I needed 37% to pass a course there.) Regardless, that’s not the result I’d have liked. Despite my raising this bar up and down over the years, I seem to come in low regardless, so I’m going to randomize the goal this year. I will write 10d6 posts for the year. And the roll is:

Looks like a 38, so that’s what we’ll shoot for.

Goal for 2020: Write 38 posts.

Get back on schedule for Togahan #4: This is a softer goal, but an important one. When I made this goal one year ago, I was 186 days behind schedule. By September, despite my efforts, I was as much as 345 days behind schedule. Ugh. But like I said, I had a few extra vacation days which let me hunker down and get some traction. I completed the first revision a few days ago, and I’m currently “only” 149 days behind schedule. Progress! While I’m not back on schedule yet, I have refined some of my working habits, so I’m hoping to continue closing that gap and get the new book into your hands sooner rather than later. That said, I still have several tasks ahead: compile the book, have my beta readers review it, incorporate their feedback, do a second revision, then have it copy edited before a final compilation and some bookkeeping for publishing.

Goal for 2020: Get back on schedule for Togahan #4.

Do any of you like audio books? I’ve been toying with the idea of recording ATogahan’s Tale as an audio book for a while, but I just haven’t found the time. This is sometime I’d like to do though, as folks often tell me that I have a perfect face for radio. My wife has recently been recording music, so she has some of the technical elements nailed down. I’m going to take on an extra goal then, because I think this is do-able.

Goal for 2020: Record the first chapter for A Togahan’s Tale, and release that as an audio file on this site.

I have one more non-writing goal that I want to track regardless. My sedentary lifestyle has not been helping me, so I’m realizing that I need to exercise a little more. With wearable technology, this is reasonably easy to track, so I’m going to tack this on at the end:

Goal for 2020: Walk 5+ miles every day.

Fingers crossed, I’ll have more success with these, because as Barbara Walters says, this is 2020.

Best, -Pete

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