Friends Can Be Helpful, Or At Least Amusing

When I was working on the first draft of ATT, I got stuck on one phrase. I wanted something like “good-to-go”, but that phrase was strongly rooted in US military jargon. I wanted something with the same connotation, but unique to a sci-fi atmosphere. After struggling with several failed attempts, I finally reached out to some friends in the wake of a D&D email thread. One buddy took a stab at it:

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Arisia 2015 Review

I had a great time at my first Arisia this weekend. I found the diversity of panels and topics intriguing and jumped across several tracks throughout the weekend. Organization was well planned and thoroughly staffed. Every staffer I asked either knew the answer or knew where to point me. Their Code of Conduct was clearly posted both on their website and on the registration mezzanine, and my friends doing Security detail clued me in to some of their training – it was obvious that attendee safety and inclusion were priorities. Saturday night I met up with some old friends, and just generally enjoyed the atmosphere all weekend. It was both laid back and vibrant at the same time. For someone testing the waters of sci-fi cons, Arisia is a great first convention. With so many tracks, one could sample a wide array of interests, or saturate one for the whole weekend. Continue reading

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Convention! and…One Picture of the Process

First! I’ll be attending Arisia in Boston this weekend (1/16-1/18), and may be cosplaying one or more characters from A Togahan’s Tale. If you’re there and want to link up, contact me and we’ll figure out something convenient.

Second! Here’s a very geeky way I like to think about my writing process. Get yer nerd on and enjoy:

I boil my writing process down to three fundamental mindsets: Brainstorming, Execution, and Polish. All three are critical, but I won’t necessarily engage them one at a time. I’d summarize it with a graphic like this (because I like pictures):

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#3 Rough Draft is done!

Last night I finished the rough draft for Togahan novel #3, which continues to follow Dante Nissomo. I’m feeling pretty good, but it’s a weird, quiet elation. It’s a milestone, a gate. I’m far from done, because it’s not released.

I started the draft in October 2013, and completed it yesterday, January 7, 2015, about fifteen months total. This novel came in at 177,140 words, or about 435 pages if it were printed, spread out over 21 chapters and an epilogue. It’s a bit high for novels – much of what hits print now averages between 90,000 and 120,000 words. (Yes, there are a bunch of exceptions).

Several times I considered  breaking it up into two novels, but in the end decided against it. The word count would have been short (80-90k per), and there wasn’t a good place to break it up and then achieve two, separate, three-act stories without a lot of rework. Once I pulled at those threads, it started to fall apart. So I decided to keep it one novel. The story is what it is.

I conclude a few arcs, build on others, and leave plenty of room to grow in the next novel. I’m satisfied with where it is, for now.

According to my Excel schedule however, the project is only 50.0% of the way toward a late 2016 release. I made a lot of progress improving that from an originally estimated summer 2017 release, though. Hopefully I can keep up this pace, and who knows? Maybe you’ll enjoy Dante’s next adventure by this time next year. Cross your fingers.

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52 in ’15 and Current Status

Wow. It looks like my last post was May 22, 2014. I need to keep you apprised more often than that, faithful readers. So, my new year’s resolution is to post at least once a week for at least fifty-two posts in the coming year. I know, there are a lot more prolific bloggers out there, but honestly, writing a blog is secondary to writing the books. On a given day, I need to work on the Togahan’s story.

The good news is that I’m starting out 2015 in good shape. I’ve got the rough draft 95% done for novel #3, and should have that wrapped up in the next week. Then I move on to editing, tightening up the language, combing for consistency and double-checking terms and spellings. Once that’s clean (or cleaner), it’ll go out to my beta readers. I’ll incorporate their feedback into edit #2 and more trimming, and next it’s off to my copy editor for the final layer of polish. Then, format for .mobi and .epub, some last minute paperwork and we’re looking at a mid-2016 release.

Please hang in there, faithful readers. Watch this space for convention attendance, notes on the process, possibly some Q&A if I happen to get some Q, and some other miscellaneous notes.

Happy New Year!

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Getting There from Here

When you’re lost in New England and asking for directions (rare these days with GPS, but still), you’ll often get the reply, “You can’t get there from here”. On the surface, the answer is absurd, but the connotation is that you’re heading in the wrong direction for where you want to go, and you now have to take another absurd route to get where you want to go.

That phrase sort of applies to the third book in the Togahan series, which I’m writing now (call it “#3”). Although it’s the third story chronologically, it’s the first manuscript I  wrote (originally as Sorena’s Arc (SA)). That manuscript stinks for a bunch of reasons I’ll explore later. But the main character, Dante, intrigued me, and so I then wrote his origin as A Togahan’s Tale (TT). I knew I wanted to keep some core elements from SA, and build on them later, but I needed to get there, so I wrote A Togahan Returns (TR) to bridge TT to SA, and expand on Dante’s character. Now that TT and TR are released, I’ve returned to the story in SA, but am rewriting more than two thirds of it. Why not the whole thing? There were elements I wanted to keep, and their foundations, so I’ve been carefully sifting SA to make sure I keep those bits while I add in new bits.

My goal is to craft a story that flows well from TR and into #4, #5, and #6, which have been burning in my brain for a while now. There’s some really compelling story that I want to tell you, but I need to tell you #3 first, so that #4, #5, and #6 make sense.

Boiled down, I wrote #3 first, then #1(TT) and #2(TR), and am now overhauling #3 to pave the way for #4, #5, and #6. Anyway, I’m hoping that I really can get there from here, as quickly as possible. Thanks for hanging in there.

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A Togahan Returns…is released!

Friday morning, the second book in the Togahan series was released. Check out A Togahan Returns on the following platforms:

Please give it a read, and let me know what you think!

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A Togahan Returns…on August 30!

That’s right folks, we’re in the final lap. I’m releasing A Togahan Returns next week on Friday, August 30, just in time for anyone who wants last minute reading over the long weekend. Read it on your Kindle, Nook, Kobo, iPod/iPad/iPhone, PC, or Mac.

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“A Togahan Returns” Covert Art released!

Check it out! This will be the cover to #2 in the series, A Togahan Returns. I’m very pleased with it. It only took me a month and a half to bang out…

A Togahan Returns cover

A Togahan Returns cover

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Readercon 2013 Review

I attended Readercon for the first time this year and had a blast. There were many good talks, great speakers, and I picked up a lot of good books. The convention was  well organized, and I was amazed and humbled by the breadth of topics covered.

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