
Right now my wife is reading this book entitled What Alice Forgot, where the protagonist gets a concussion and forgets the last decade of her life. Everything that seems recent to her is ancient history to her friends and family. She has children she doesn’t know and a husband she loves who wants to divorce her because of history she can’t recall. The story unfolds as she learns more about the choices and events of her last decade, and the past “her” does not like the present “her”. (I’m in the middle of another novel, and since I read slowly, I’m perfectly happy with my wife relaying the story after dinner each night.)

The story is timely for us because tomorrow we celebrate our ten year anniversary, and my wife asked me the other night: if I did lose my memory that way, would the past me look at my current life with approval or scorn?

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The Painted Spider

When I got out of school, I rented an apartment with a couple of roommates. Per state law, the landlord repainted the place just before we moved in. And they painted everything. Walls, ceilings, window frames, heater registers, doors… doorknobs. And where one of the windows was cracked open and a dead spider dangled by a single strand, they painted the web and the spider.

Yes, there was a thin coat of white paint on this tiny spider. It wasn’t sloppy, it took effort to paint the spider where it hung and not just brush it away.

They painted a dead, dangling spider. On purpose.

At the time I laughed it off, but have since recalled that image when thinking about project quality, especially when reviewing my own work—particularly editing (since that’s the bulk of what I’ve been doing lately).

It takes effort to correct a shitty sentence, but it takes a larger perspective to recognize when the sentence doesn’t belong there in the first place. Editing isn’t just about cleaning up grammar and commas. It’s also about viewing every sentence in the context of the paragraph and the ones before and after. Does it fit? Does it flow?

  • If it repeats information the reader already knows
  • If it interrupts the flow of a particular thought
  • If it drags out a detail that’s not entirely relevant

…out it goes (or if the information matters, I’ll reduce or reorder it into neighboring sentences).

Someday I’ll be done editing, and hopefully I’ll have cleared out all the spiders, instead of just painting them. Stay tuned.

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Watch the Deleted Scenes

It used to be that a DVD’s additional material—the deleted scenes, the extended scenes—were these Easter Eggs of story canon from which fans could eek ever more detail and geek out on message boards. The Matrix of course was the first and best at this, the vanguard of the DVD scene at the turn of the century*. And all the Lord of the Rings films remain richer for their extended scenes, allowing us to dive into every Middle Earth detail, at the expense of pacing. In fact, my wife and I made that a holiday tradition, watching all three movies over a couple of days, pausing whenvever for snacks or whatnot.

But somewhere along the way, the deleted/extended scenes lost their luster. Watching them after a particularly enjoyable film somehow took away from that film’s impact. They got dull, or were poorly produced, thrown onto every DVD so that someone could check a box that they’d included the content. So we stopped watching them together.

Well, not entirely. I’ve returned to them when I can, because there is something to be learned from the deleted content, especially if you’re a writer of any sort.

Even when the director doesn’t explicitly say why they removed the scene, it’s either obvious or easily gleaned. The reason could have been for pacing, or the content was tangential/irrelevant, out-of-character dialog, or was done to downgrade the movie’s rating if the content was too extreme. All of these are reasons why I might crop content from my own novels. I like to watch these scenes to see what the creators were thinking.

So if you’re a creator of any sort, I encourage you to watch the deleted scenes—not for the Easter Eggs, but for the insight into the creative process. Watch a couple thousand, and you’ll probably have a good handle on it.

*Does that statement make you feel old? Good.

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Struggle and Thrive

When Joss Whedon was writing Buffy the Vampire Slayer, he received much praise for his witty writing and the characters’ artful banter. Then he wrote the episode Hush, where a plot device robbed the characters of their voices, and deprived Whedon of his greatest strength—his dialog. Thus constrained, he forced his characters to communicate through other means, and himself to communicate to his audience through non-verbal cues and expressions. Fast forward to the last few years, and we see this skill finely tuned in the character chemistry of The Avengers. Throughout the movie, the characters communicate and define themselves and their relationships on multiple levels, allowing Whedon to tell a complex, character-driven story in a short amount of time.

In the documentary It Might Get Loud, Jack White describes how by challenging himself and making his stage performance more difficult, it forces him to get creative to succeed. By lunging farther across stage, rushing harder to keep time as he jumps instruments, the music he produces is more raw and more real.

Last year, web comic artist Chris Rusche almost gave up on his labor of love until fans rallied and convinced him to keep going. Following his archive, you can see his art improve over the years, and he often blogs about pushing himself harder to increase his skill. Rusche’s later strips communicate on multiple levels through dialog, lighting, expression, and mannerism, (as well as easter-egg jokes galore). His strips are frequently a day or two late, but the fans don’t care—the product is that good.

I don’t challenge myself the way these folks do, but their method gives me pause, and forces me to ask that question. How do I challenge myself? How can I push myself farther, to produce something better, not just more of the same quality? I don’t have good answers yet, but thinking about these examples are a starting point, and it’s something to chew on while I edit.

How about you? What artist’s method inspires you? What self-imposed struggles have enabled you to thrive in your craft?

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Buck a buck

Several years ago I gave voice recognition a try. It looked promising and efficient (and a friend raved about it, but I think that’s because he owned stock in one of the companies). So I did some research, bought one of the more popular versions and installed it on my Windows 98 machine (yee-hah!).

I donned the headset microphone, fired it up, and went through the “teaching” phase, where the software displayed five hundred quotes, famous or otherwise, and I recited them back so that it could learn my accent. That took maybe an hour or two. I also glanced through the tutorial and realized that not only could I dictate the words, but also the editing, i.e. if I paused, then told it, “delete the last four words”, the software would suspend dictation, pick up on the word “delete”, and then delete the last four words I had typed. On the downside, I also had to dictate punctuation, which isn’t a big deal if I were writing a memo, but got tricky during dialog. For instance, to get

“Don’t you think the software might have improved in the last decade?” Matt blurted impatiently.

I would have to say out loud, “Indent open quote don’t you think the software might have improved in the last decade question mark close quote Matt blurted impatiently period.”

…which is a little jarring, but I suppose with a lot of practice I might get used to it.

So I started. I said, “Dante walked into the alley, suspicious of the guy who was following him, period.” This appeared on the page:

Dante walked into the alley suspicious of the guy who was following him.

I wanted to change that though, so I paused and tried the editing commands.

“Insert a comma after alley.”

Dante walked into the alley suspicious of the guy who was following him. Insert a comment after alley

“No, Delete that last sentence.”

Dante walked into the alley suspicious of the guy who was following him. Insert a comment after alley no delete that last sentence

“No no no,” I said, ignoring the obvious.

Dante walked into the alley suspicious of the guy who was following him. Insert a comment after alley no delete that last sentence no no no

“You fucking suck,” I blurted, frustrated.

Buck a buck

And….that ended my brief experiment with voice-recognized writing. Perhaps with a lot of patient teaching and editing, I could get the software to do what I wanted, but I quickly realized it was just easier for me to touch type.

Granted, this was a decade ago, and since then voice recognition has come a long way. Although I’m very comfortable with my current methods (typing allows me to express the forming thought at a comfortable pace), I might revisit it. I can see its advantage in the legal profession, because among other things, the software let you set up templates and hotkeys, where you could say “Insert standard paragraph 1-B”, and it would just dump in predefined, proofread, boilerplate text. So you could verbally drag-n-drop a complete, complex legal document in a few minutes, and then search-replace the relevant terms.

It’s a little harder with novel writing, I imagine, and probably wouldn’t work in a cube farm because of the noise, but are other folks using it? What are your experiences?


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Short and Sweet

When my first daughter was born, people came out of the woodwork with advice, but my buddy Kevin gave me this little nugget:

You’ll want to tell people about everything your kid does. Don’t. No one cares. If you absolutely have to tell a story, keep it to three sentences and make sure it’s funny.”

Three sentences is not a lot. Maybe forty-five to fifty words. Despite the challenge, I saw the wisdom in the advice, and kept my kid anecdotes short.

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An Announcement and a Teaser

Today I’m happy to announce that the title of the forthcoming third novel in the Togahan series is A Togahan’s Chance. Due out in mid-2016, ATC continues Dante’s story.

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I just finished reading Austin Kleon’s Show Your Work!, and I recommend it for any creator out there interested in fostering a community around their creations. I’ve followed Mr. Kleon’s blog for a while now, and you can probably see that his ideas have influenced some of my past entries.

Currently, I’m about 54% through the production of novel #3. “Why is this taking so long?” several of you have asked me. Well, here’s the sobering math behind just this stage of the work.

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My Big Picture: The Jigsaw Puzzle

I often imagine stories like a mural. I have a rough idea of the whole thing. I have images for where the story starts and ends, and a vague notion of the middle. It’s like looking at the picture on a jigsaw puzzle box.

As I think more about it, the edges will fill in, and I’ll see the bits as jigsaw pieces: characters, lines, items, scenes, technology, spells, organizations, races, jargon, speech, etc. It’s not always immediately apparent how they’ll all fit together. Some are compelling. Some seem minor, but are later pivotal. Some make no sense if they’re not consistent.

One example from ATR is Narathana’s gahan on the bridge. A song from a movie soundtrack inspired that scene, and for a couple years, I had that jigsaw piece hovering, of a fighter protecting her child with a defiant spell song. It wasn’t until I wrote ATR that I realized where that jigsaw piece fit.

Like that scene, some items are these rare shiny bits, and I don’t know where to put them right away. They’re tempting to shoe-horn into a current project or scene du jour, but I have to weigh each one carefully and decide if it’s right, if it fits, really. Trying to force it just ruins the puzzle. Sometimes I have to realize that it’s a great piece—but maybe to a different puzzle. And so I put that aside for later.

Like a jigsaw, the “final” piece isn’t one on the edges, or the last scene that I write. It’s a curious one in the middle, without which the picture would seem incomplete. It’s that piece that bridges the entire work together, and while all stories need a strong beginning, middle, and end, it’s this singular piece, perhaps just off-center, which locks it all in and connects to all the other pieces in a way that makes the mural resonate.

When that moment happens, it’s wonderful.

And then the moment passes, the story ends, and the editing begins.

But that’s another story.

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Use What You Have: The Lineup

At one point, I needed a comparative height chart with all the Togahan races (like something you’d see in an RPG* manual). This would help me visualize scenes and blocking, and insert mannerisms where they were required. I once tried sketching one, but it’s….poor:

First height chart-p1

So I thought about it more, and then because I have so many toys in the attic*, I pulled together the relevant bits, and created this graphic:height_chart_annotatedIt’s a little sloppy, but it gets the job done. Plus, if I need to choreograph a fight scene, I can take them down and act it out. Pyew! Pyew! Smash!

(Bonus points if you can ID all the figures.)

*Role Playing Game (like D&D), for you non-nerds.

**I write in my attic office, where I also have a large collection of toys spanning 30+ years, so, yeah, literally: toys in the attic.

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